Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby's First picture

Our first doctors appointment didn't come until a few weeks after we had taken the tests and announced that I was pregnant. So we were a little apprehensive going in. It would have been horrible to go in and have them tell us that the tests had been wrong. Luckily, everything was great. The doctor, Dr. Jessica Colwill, did my first ultrasound and we got to see our little jellybean! It was amazing. We even got to hear a little bit of the heartbeat. It was only for a few seconds, but it was there! Alex had kept teasing me that it would be twins, even when the picture clearly only showed one. Dr. Colwill later set him straight saying that she has been doing this for a lot of years and she would have been able to tell. He hasn't teased me since. :) So far, that first appointment was the only one that Alex was able to go to. He found a job and had to leave for schooling in California. But it was wonderful to have him there. I didn't cry like I thought I would. I was just in awe. There was our little miracle on the big tv screen right in front of us. Just incredible....

7 weeks!
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5 out of 5.....

On July 13, 2011 our lives were changed forever. I got out of bed that morning to go to the bathroom and pee on the stick that Alex had purchased the night before. I left it in the bathroom and crawled back into bed with Alex. I didn't want to look. I have taken a few pregnancy tests in my day, and they had all disappointed me. I was trying so hard to not get my hopes up. After a few minutes, nature called for Alex so while he was in there I made him look at the results. I can't remember if he told me what the results, but I remember that he walked the test over and handed it to me. There it was....2 pink lines instead of one. I couldn't help smiling, but I was still in disbelief. So I took the 2 other tests that came in the box! I wanted to be really sure. The next two also came back positive and it was starting to sink in. I AM PREGNANT!! It seemed so unreal. Could what I wanted for SO long really be happening? Alex still didn't believe it. He wanted me to take more tests. I asked him how many more and he said "17." I wasn't about to pee on 17 pregnancy tests though, so I compromised and got the pregnancy test that actually said "pregnant or not pregnant." I figured there really couldn't be any questioning with those results, right? Sure enough, both tests displayed pregnant. Surprise, Surprise! We both called it official. And to quote one of my favorite movies "you're eggo is preggo. That is one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet." :)
I thought for a few minutes about keeping the news to ourselves for a while. I have heard that you shouldn't really announce anything till after your first trimester is over, but I was bursting at the seams. After talking it over with Alex, we decided to tell our close family and then post the pictures on Facebook. The cat was soon out of the bag. And I was happier than I had ever been! Alex is/was happy but he was a lot more cautious than I was about getting excited at first. He knows how long I have wanted this, so he was just worried that if anything went wrong it would be devastating to me. He was worried about me, like he always does. Sometimes I think that boy loves me too much. ;) And of course this new came to us right after Alex got out of the military, was looking for employment, and we didn't have insurance. It was so ironic because the whole time we had really been "trying" to conceive and I went through my surgery we had been financially stable and had insurance through the military. It is like everyone kept tell me, it happens when you least expect it or are ready for it. Ready or not though, we are so blessed.

You really can't mistake those results! And I don't think I will ever have as many people excited over something that I peed all over! :)

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

July 4, 2011

Independence Day this year was pretty quiet for us. The best part about it was that we were able to be together! YAY! I think it was the first holiday that we had spent together ALL YEAR!! Crazy, huh?
Well, to celebrate we went to what we refer to as "the farm" to see my Dad and Phyllis. We had considered going to Elizabeth City to watch the fireworks, but we have discovered that in this area anything you go to is just SO CROWDED! You have to fight through people and around people to get where you are going. Traffic is always horrible when you're trying to get there and even worse when you are leaving. We just didn't want to the headache this year. So being in rural North Carolina was just perfect for us! My Dad barbecued some delicious food, and we gratefully filled out bellies, played some good ol' Monopoly, and lit off a few small fireworks. Just old fashioned family time. Best way to celebrate our freedoms: spending time with those you love and just knowing that what we have is special. Not everyone in this world gets that privilege.

Sitting on the front porch, watching the fireworks.

YouTube Video

The fireworks weren't the most spectacular, but they did the job. It didn't help that it was sprinkling.

It was hard to get a good picture of Alex lighting the fireworks with my phone. This is one of the best ones.

The Monopoly King!! (He gets really cranky if he's losing!)

I wish that was REAL money!! But realistically there is no money in real estate these days. :)

My handsome husband, my awesome Daddy, and wonderful Phyllis!! :) Love you guys!
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Location:Sunbury, NC

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Harbor Fest 2011

Alex and I really enjoyed Harbor Fest last year, so we thought we would go down to see the fireworks again and eat some yummy food. Well, we made it to the yummy food, but not the fireworks. As you can tell from the video and pictures, we got rained out. :( it was a total bummer! If it hadn't been for the funnel cake that we got to scarf down before it got soggy in the rain, the night would have been an epic fail in my book. I was wearing a summer dress and it was so soaked by the time we got to the parking garage that it was actually dripping at the bottom!! We thought for a split second that we might want to try and see if the rain stopped and still try and see the fireworks, but we both felt like drowned rats when we finally got out of the rain. That definitely doesn't make for an enjoyable time. But it did make some memories!

YouTube Video

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Location:Norfolk, VA

Monday, July 18, 2011


On June 6, 2011 Alex finally came home to me!! I can't tell you how amazing it was to see him after those 5 long months!! He flew out of Bahrain and made the almost 24 hr flight home. I was trying to get the house ready and me ready for his arrival and there just didn't seem to be enough time! You would think I would have done a lot in the time that he was gone, but it just didn't work out that way. And on a funny note, I decided to get a spray tan so I could "look my best" for his homecoming, but I didn't get the desired effects. I ended up looking pretty spotty/multicolored. It's a good thing he missed me so much and didn't really care about the spots. :)
Now that he is home, its like he never left. We just fell into our normal routine. I think we just have a greater appreciation for each other. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder!!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May is for Birthdays!!

As of May 14, 2011 I am officially 25 years old!!! Where in the world did the time go?? I don't feel like I am 25. I feel like I should have a couple of kiddos, be settled in my career, and have my educated completed. Not even close on any of that! BUT I am married to my best friend. That is one thing that has been crossed off "the list" for a couple years now. But there just seems to be so much unaccomplished. And I didn't like turning a quarter century without my husband at my side. He told me he didn't like being away for my birthday either. He needed to be home to wake up to and spend the whole day off with. I know I am kind of whining right now. I know that there are plenty of other families out there missing their loved ones while they are away. I just REALLY miss him! Although I can't complain about the friends and family here that did a wonderful job about making the whole weekend special for me.

I went to the salon on Friday afternoon for some pampering. The stylists at Bombshell in Chesapeake were wonderful at helping me feel my inner "Bombshell" I walked out with pampered feet, pretty nails, and a great new hairstyle. And I went on over the Joe and Nichole's for dinner. She was sweet enough to make me a cake too. Delicious chocolate cake with homemade white frosting. Scrumptious!! Dinner and friends, just a wonderful way to spend a Friday night!!

My second birthday cake was from my Dad and Phyllis. They drove in from the farm on Sunday to bring me cake and presents. They were also nice enough to take me out to Dinner and Mcormick and Schmidts in downtown Virginia Beach. I stuffed my face with fresh Flounder, fried calamari and spinach artichoke dip! YUM YUM!! And that cake is red velvet with cream cheese frosting which happens to be my second favorite besides chocolate cake. So much for dropping a few pounds before the end of the deployment!! :)

I have such a wonderful husband. He couldn't let my birthday go by and not spoil me rotten. I got this in the mail on Friday from Amazon. He had bought me 1500 thread count sheets with a 1500 thread count down comforter!! Pretty nice, huh? I had been talking about getting new sheets like this for a while, but didn't want to spend the money on them. Well, my birthday was a good excuse to spend the money according to my baby. And I can't forget that he had already sent me a pair of gold and diamond earrings from Bahrain when Rob came home in April. I am so spoiled. Thank you, baby!! I love you!! Can't wait till I can spoil you in October for your birthday!!! xoxox

More of my birthday spoils from my dad and Phyllis. That Betty Boop shirt looked great with my jeans and my red pumps. :) Thank you guys!! (Oh, and $50 was nice too!)

I also can't forget to mention that my visiting teacher Kendy, once again came to my rescue and took me out to lunch on Saturday to the Broken Egg Bistro! Food we delicious and the company was great! Thanks for thinking of me, Kendy!! OH! and for all the cards, calls, and facebook shout outs, thank you. It helped make me feel not so alone.

At the end of the day, I might not have all the things I have hoped for, but I do have A LOT!!

Easter 2011

Here are a couple pictures of how I spent Easter this year. I don't want this to be a blog just about me, but there isn't much to report about Alex. He is still stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean. He did call to wish me a Happy Easter. I sent him this picture via email and he loved it! I had to work on Easter, but it always makes my patients smile when I get into the spirit.

Happy Easter to my patients and my wonderful husband!!!

That night after after work Nichole (in the silver dress) made all of us Easter dinner. As Michelle (in the purple) has pointed out, this is our "Navy Family." Alex is missing, but I know if any of us needed anything, we are just a phone call away. And nothing is expected in return. If it weren't for a Navy family, life in the military would be a hundred times harder than what it is already. We had a great dinner and it was one of the last nights with all of us together. About a week and a half after this, Rob and Michelle left us for Chicago. Good luck with everything Rob and Michelle. We will miss you!! Happy Easter!!

Mary Kay March

I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!!! I am sure most of you know that by now, but just in case you didn't. :) I decided to sign on to the Mary Kay dream right after my surgery in February. It might have been the the residual of the pain medications that made me finally say "yes" but I haven't regretted the decision since. I have had a wonderful time meeting new people and making women feel beautiful. Not to mention I definitely enjoy my 50% discount for my products! It has also been a great way for me to stay busy on my days off work. Keeps my mind off missing Alex, even though I do every day, all day. Alex had been very supportive of my decision to be a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. He was kind of worried at first, but when he found out I could become a Mary Kay Millionaire he seemed to embrace the idea that he could have a "sugar mamma" :)
Here are some pictures of Career Conference that I attended in March. What a great night of inspiration! And how many career conferences start with prayer? I really liked that about the conference. So from here on out, I will be dreaming in pink!!

The wonderful Kim Hundley's Home Run Hitters!!!

Here are all my accomplishments so far in Mary Kay in just one month!!

Handy Roomates!!

Our hard work!! :)

I can't remember the exact dates, but my friend Michelle moved in with me in the middle of February. Her husband was also on the USS Enterprise and is friends with Alex. When they sold their house soon after the deployment started, she moved in with me since I had an extra room. I couldn't have asked for a better roommate. After she moved in, I was joking with Alex that Michelle could win husband of the year. She takes out the trash, does dishes, cooks dinner, etc. :) He didn't find that very funny, but she really was helpful and it was so nice not to come home to an empty house and have some one around that knew EXACTLY what I was going through.

Soon after she moved in, Michelle was telling her husband, who told my husband, who told me that Michelle thought my house looked like a bachelor pad. (what a way to communicate, eh?) I wasn't offended by that statement at all, because I knew exactly what she was talking about. I just put her to work! One evening we put up a few shelves, a sconce and even some vinyl lettering. It was quite an adventure figuring out the cordless drill and dry wall screws. Michelle had a little bit more knowledge about it than I did. Her husband had taught her well. She also helped me clean out my pots and pans and silverware so now they all match better. We had a fun night putting a girly touch on my house. It's starting to feel a little bit more like home!

Valentines Day 2011

Valentines Day is one of those holidays that can be tough and unfair without a special some one by your side. Or in my case, I do have some one VERY special, but we had to be thousands miles apart. After all the dreading I did about this Valentines day that would have to be spent alone, I still had a couple things that brought a smile to my face. :)
Here is the first thing that had me showing my pearly whites. My awesome visiting teacher had thought about me and brought me a cute little plate of goodies. It made me feel special and those delicious treats you see pictured are actually mini cheesecakes!! How cute is that!?! Thanks for making me feel special, Kendy!

And my wonderful husband ALWAYS finds some way to make me smile. A friend of Alex's was flown off the USS Enterprise right before Valentines day and when I picked his friend up from the airport he had a little package from Alex for me. In it was a Turkish Sultan's puzzle ring and a handwritten note. I don't know if you can tell from the picture above, but it's actually a flower ring that you can put together and take apart like a puzzle. The note had said something like "this ring may only fit on your pinky, but it's the only flower I will be able to give you this Valentines Day." I wish I had a picture of the ring all put together but I haven't been able to put the "puzzle" back together since it came apart when I bumped it while taking clothes out of the dryer! But I absolutely love the ring and he couldn't have chosen a better gift!! I am one lucky girl!!! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Under the Knife

A lot of my friends have been asking what surgery I had and how everything went. So I thought I would spell it all out here for everyone. I went in early Friday morning for laproscopic surgery to investigate some fertility issues. I had a test done called an HSG that indicated that one of my fallopian tubes might be blocked. So the doctors wanted to go in and take a closer look.
I was nervous the morning of the surgery, but I don't think I was as nervous as my dad was. He went with me since Alex wasn't able to. I was so grateful to have him there. He sat by me and talked with the doctors. He took care of all my belongings and my dog. And Phyllis was a real big help with all of that too. I am a very lucky girl to have them here.
They took me in to pre op and the nurse anesthetist was really nice. He explained exactly what he would be doing and I felt at ease. The doctor also came in and spoke with my dad and I again about what they were going to be doing. Basically, they took a camera and inserted it into an incision they made near my belly button. The looked around and did find that my left fallopian tube is blocked. At least that is what I heard afterwards. The last thing I remember in the operating room is them strapping my arms down and that was it. I woke up to them telling me to stand up and get in a chair. I had to sit in the chair and drink some soda and they had to make sure I could walk and pee before I could be discharged. I was in such a fog from the drugs they had given me and I hated it. I don't know how anybody can like that feeling. After I passed all their requirements, they put me in a wheelchair and sent me out to the car. It all happened relatively quickly. I was on the operating table at 0730 and home by 1130.
So far the recovery has gone well. I have been sleeping and my dad and Phyllis have continued to take care of me. My dad brought me every meal in bed. Speaking of meals, my wonderful visiting teacher was nice enough to bring dinner on Friday night. Lasagna and salad and even Oreo ice cream for dessert. It was delicious and not to mention extremely kind.
I would have to say a very big highlight in all of this is that Alex was able to call and check on me. I haven't been able to talk to him on the phone since the 23rd of last month. It was so great to hear his voice. I started crying when we went to say goodbye and it was a quick goodbye because Alex said he would have started crying, too. I was so glad I got to talk to him. I just miss him so much.
As for what the results mean for us, I am not really sure. Not only is one of my tubes blocked, but they also found mild endometriosis. They didn't remove anything, so for now, I don't really know what this means for us. I will probably find out at my post op appointment. I am sure they didn't want to discuss our baby making options while I was still as doped up as I was. All I know right now is the old saying there is more than one way to skin a cat. I really believe that we are going to be parents someday, come hell or high water.
I also wanted to thank everyone for all your kind words and prayers. It really means a lot to us and I think it is due to all of that, that I am recovering so well. My in-laws and all my close friends have really been a force to rely on lately and I can't express enough thanks to them. I love you and miss you. Thanks again.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Josh Turner-The Longer the Waiting

Right after Alex and I started dating is when I first heard this song. I thought it was so sweet and touched my heart. I never thought it would mean as much as it does to me now. Now it really hits home. The video that they put with it is beautiful. I laughed and cried all the way though it.
This past week and a half we have had an up-close-and-personal encounter with the down sides to military life. It has been disheartening, discouraging, and just plain unfair. But I want the whole world to know, and especially my husband to know that I am incredibly proud to say that I am the wife of not only an amazing man, but an amazing military man. Even if the Navy at this point it time might not view him as what they want him to be, he is exactly what he should be. An honest, admirable, kind man. I love you, Alex. And until you take off that uniform for good, whenever that might be, I will ALWAYS stand up and say "I am a Sailor's sweetheart!!"

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"I know I keep saying it, but I really can’t believe how big this has become. This investigation is ruining so many lives and careers. It is sad. I am sitting here shaking as I am typing not knowing what is going to come. I don’t really know how to react to this. Just a week ago our lives were so steady and on track and everything seemed to be more or less perfect. And now I feel like everything has just been turned upside down and thrown into a blender. I can’t believe it. I really don’t want to be mad at this kid, but I can’t help but be upset at how this entire ordeal is turning out. I mean, I can’t really say that what was going on was right, but it is what it is. It’s like a culture. I mean I went through at least as much as this guy claims to have gone through. And I never would have even thought to bring it up. I don’t mean to try and justify what has been going on because I guess he felt like he was legitimately hazed. I don’t want this to sound cliché or anything, but all this is like a male bonding thing. I understand that the navy wants to be professional and everything. But Big Navy doesn’t seem to understand that this is so much bigger than a job. It’s a family. I mean I have spent more time on this boat and with these people than I have with you. And I am not even counting the time before you and I were together. I don’t know if I am making any sense right now, or if I am just spouting out random sentences. I think that I am going to cut this off right now. I love you so much. I can’t wait to be back together."

This is an excerpt from one of Alex's emails. It kind of sums up what our lives have become in the last week. Just a lot of shock, disbelief, and uncertainty. My mind is racing, and my chest aches. I just wish I could wake up and this would just be one big nightmare that will go away. But this incident is going to impact us for the rest of your lives.......

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Military Life

As a Military wife, I am well aware of all the benefits that we get to enjoy. We get great health care, my husband gets paid time off, and the pay isn't so bad. But yesterday our eyes were opened to a downside of the life of service. The Military absolutely owns you. You are government property, and your family just has to adjust accordingly. This wouldn't be so bad, but sometimes they give you no warning or notice of things that can effect every aspect of your life.
As some of you are aware, we got orders to got to Oklahoma City for recruiting. Recruiting wasn't our first choice, but because the engineer didn't really like Alex, he wouldn't sign off on his orders to go to prototype. We came to terms with our recruiting assignment. Alex was very grateful to be getting off the USS Enterprise and missing the deployment. I was also excited that he wouldn't have to leave me for 8 months and that I have to opportunity to find a new job myself.
But in one day, it all changed. And we don't know how much it has changed, just that it has. So we are in limbo. They gave Alex four hours notice to get ready to leave on deployment for who knows how long. He could be gone for 10 days, or the worst case scenario, his orders could be cancelled and he could be gone for the whole deployment!! He was completely checked out of the boat except for one signature, so now on this deployment, he has no job, no bed, no locker or any of that because he wasn't supposed to be going. Alex couldn't even express to me how angry or upset he was and I felt so terrible for him.
Now we are just playing to waiting game. Until we know how long he is going to be gone, I can't really do anything to get us ready for the move. I am just confused, frustrated, and at a loss for what to do. Well, I guess the only thing I can do is "hurry up and wait."
I know I haven't really given a lot of details on why he had to leave on the deployment so suddenly. Those details don't really matter in the long run. It is just a whole big mess that has been blown out of proportion.
I guess this post was to keep people updated, but also allow me to vent a little bit. I think once I have gotten it all out, I can better put it into perspective. I guess it's just going to be one day at a time. Until then, I miss you Butthead.

Christmas 2010

Alex, Me, Michelle, and Rob

My Halloween posts were late, so I guess it makes sense that my Christmas post is late too. We had a very quiet Christmas this year. It was just so nice to be home together and neither one of us had to work.
On Christmas Eve we were supposed to have a big dinner with a few of our friends, but Rob and Michelle were the only ones able to come. We missed the ones who couldn't make it, but it was nice to just have to four of us. (more food just for us!) That night I made a ham for the first time, which turned out better than I thought. I also made wilted lettuce salad and funeral potatoes. The potatoes were a hit, but I messed up on the salad. Thank goodness my friends and husband are nice and at it anyway.
After dinner we played games, played the kinnect, and listed to some Christmas music. The Ostrowski's didn't stay too late because they wanted to celebrate on their own.
So Alex and I decided to watch a movie and stay up till after midnight to open our presents. That's how all my family does it down in Florida. They always get together and open presents on Christmas Eve. I am surprised we stayed awake through all of the Chronicles of Narnia movie, but it was worth it.
Of course, I got spoiled and Alex didn't make out too badly either. My husband knows me so well, and he puts a lot of thoughts into his gifts. I love it!!
Christmas day, was also pretty laid back. We went out to Phyllis' house and had a very yummy Christmas dinner. We took Bridgette with it and she absolutely loves it out there. It was fun to see her play with my dad's puppies too! After dinner we just came home and lounged around (which is our favorite thing to do!)
All in all, it was a great holiday. I got exactly what I wanted which was to spend it with my wonderful husband!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

This was the first time we carved pumpkins together AND Alex's first time carving pumpkins at all (that he remembers). We had a good time and I even made pumpkin pie with our discarded pumpkin pieces!!

Focus! Focus!
My Ghost pumpkin

The finished product...

He did pretty good, huh?

Proud pumpkin carvers!

Howl-O-Scream 2010

Alright this post is a little late. But better late than never. One of my new years resolutions is to blog more often. So here I go!

On Halloween this year we went to Busch Gardens and had a really good time! We got to go through the haunted houses, eat yummy food, and ride the roller coasters that we didn't catch the first time around. The weather was chilly but not unbearable and the decorations were incredible!!

Here are some of the decorations as you walked in. Kinda eerie, huh??

Tried to take some more pictures of the decorations, but the lighting was bad. This is supposed to be three witches standing by a cauldron.

The first time we went to Busch Gardens, we took a picture of our yummy food. Here is a picture of round two!

We went in to see the show Frankenrock and that is where we stopped to eat that yummy food.

This was one of the roller coasters we missed the first time around. It was really awesome at night!! You could see the stars and this one had a tunnel so that everything was pitch black.

Another one of the shows. We just were walking past this one. There had been a huge crowd gathered around, and I was surprised how many little kids there were.

This was one of the haunted houses we went through. This was one with the mummies. We went through two others that had werewolves and vampires. Alex was never scared, he just had a great time laughing hysterically whenever I got the crap scared out of me.

This roller coaster was awesome!! I think it was my favorite besides the Alpengeist. We almost bought the picture of us on the roller coaster because Alex managed to look like he was asleep when the picture was snapped. What a dork! :)

All around the park, they had people in scary costumes jumping out and scaring people. We just had to get a shot with one of them.